Levels of Clean
When I decided to call this magazine “Clean Fiction” I knew that I was opening a proverbial “can of worms”, but I wanted the title to be clear and easy to understand. What is the problem with calling it “Clean Fiction”? Everyone has their own definition of “clean” and that definition may or may not match up with mine or my reviewers. To alleviate this problem I have created a quirky rating system that should keep you informed while giving you a giggle. This rating system paired with descriptive yet spoiler free reviews should give you all the information that you need to decide if a book is for you or a bit too much. I would like to reiterate that this magazine is NOT intended for teens. I do not want to frighten the ultra-clean readers by this statement. There are several books listed just for you, but I also know how BIG the Young Adult market is right now and how easily the name of our magazine could be mistaken for something it is not. Not a day goes by without me seeing a post fro...