Clean Fiction
Yesterday was the day. March 31, 2021, the day a 23 year goal was finally accomplished. I officially released a piece of myself, a novel, out into the public. It was difficult, scary, and extremely nerve-racking. It is also something that many others have done before me.
Why did I do this to myself? I felt called.
Living in the world that we do, I have found it extremely difficult to find reliably clean fiction of any kind. The decades I have spent as a bibliophile have filled my shelves and consequently emptied them again in many cases. Why are books leaving my extensive collection? They include themes that directly thumb their nose at my Creator. As a Christian woman, I am rather conservative, but I have no problem separating fantasy from reality. Just because a book is not a "Christian" book does not automatically jettison it from my shelves, but I have found that some books, even from my favorite authors, are a step too far.
Understanding that, I want you to understand this: I am not writing this to stand on some soap box or chastise anyone. Read what you want! With this blog, I would like to introduce you, the reader, to the lovely world of authors who create Clean Fiction that I have found in the last few years. I am not aiming to reach teens out there though I have lived in the Young Adult section of Barnes & Noble for years. I want to reach Real Adults with a Real Love for reading and a willingness to keep an open mind.
As a 33 year old woman, I have grown tired of being trapped in the "teen" space just because I prefer to read books that are less graphic. The books that I have found to share with you offer more mature themes while keeping things light on the "mature themes". I humbly ask you to come along with me on this journey.
Who knows where it may lead?
Author & Illustrator
Amy Lynn McConahy
Facebook: Sunset Valley Creations
Instagram: SunsetValleyCreations
Goodreads: Amy Lynn McConahy
YouTube: Sunset Valley Creations Channel
Book Recommendations:
Purchase Dreamlight
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