
Showing posts from November, 2021

Did You Say FREE?

If your first thought was, "Wait! It isn't Thursday!" You would be correct, but this news is TOO GOOD not to share. I have enrolled the Winter Edition 2021 in KDP Select which means that it is available on Kindle Unlimited AND that I am able to run a FREE Book Promotion. I guess that not being able to put the ebook on B&N does have a sunny side. I have never done a promotion like this before and I am crossing my fingers that there are no problems. I scheduled the ebook to be FREE from December 1-5, 2021. 5 DAYS ONLY! I am only allowed to make the ebook FREE for 5 days every 90 day cycle. That means that the ebook will return to the $2.99 price after the 5 days and stay that way until March 2022 when I plan to run another 5 Days FREE promotion right before the release of the March 20th, 2022 Spring Edition. In a way, this allows me to fulfill at least part of my original promise, but this deal will not last long so don't wait! This Week's Community Activity: ...

Thank You

This year has been the year of uncomfortable things. I have put myself out there in ways that I never anticipated. Publishing my debut novel. Cold calling businesses and authors. Throwing myself into a community that I was not sure would accept me. Through it all God has brought people to help me along the way. To encourage me and to remind me that my hopes could be physical instead of ephemeral. So I will use this week's correspondence to thank a few people who have helped me along the way. First, I would like to thank the Review Team. Laura, Moriah, and Kelly have been enthusiastic about this publication from the beginning and their encouragement helped me through the difficult times. Next, the Launch Team, you guys are the bomb! ( I know....SO 90's) The fact that strangers would be willing to help this publication along was humbling to say the least. Karen needs a shout out for donating her time to proofread the publication. I would also like to thank the bookstores/stores t...


This past week has been rough. Beyond rough. Downright unpleasant. There were tears of frustration, feelings of failure, and numb disbelief. Making the Clean Fiction publication from scratch was crazy, making a debut issue 100 pages was ambitious, and completing a magazine of this scale mainly on my own was a massive undertaking. I had so much help along the way, but I will save my list of thank yous for another week. Right now I want to talk about the tough stuff. I am a planner. I plan all the plans and then execute those plans to the best of my ability. I uploaded samples to Amazon months ago that would fit the magnitude of what I was trying to accomplish. This allowed me to predict pricing, formatting, and bunches of other little details in order to have the whole process to move forward as smoothly as possible. And everything did move smoothly and predictably until the time came to upload the final documents. I have done flow documents with my novel and full color documents with m...