Thank You

This year has been the year of uncomfortable things. I have put myself out there in ways that I never anticipated. Publishing my debut novel. Cold calling businesses and authors. Throwing myself into a community that I was not sure would accept me. Through it all God has brought people to help me along the way. To encourage me and to remind me that my hopes could be physical instead of ephemeral. So I will use this week's correspondence to thank a few people who have helped me along the way.

First, I would like to thank the Review Team. Laura, Moriah, and Kelly have been enthusiastic about this publication from the beginning and their encouragement helped me through the difficult times. Next, the Launch Team, you guys are the bomb! ( I know....SO 90's) The fact that strangers would be willing to help this publication along was humbling to say the least. Karen needs a shout out for donating her time to proofread the publication. I would also like to thank the bookstores/stores that have been willing to take a chance on Clean Fiction. I am hoping to expand the number of stores who carry it in the future. Keep an eye on the map on the Clean Fiction homepage ( to see the most recent carriers. Last and certainly not least, I would like to thank the authors and the readers for without you the pages of this magazine would be empty.

There have been many prayers sent up about this Christian publication and God has pushed me along from the depths of self doubt to a final product. I am humbled and excited to see where this path of His may lead. May God bless you all, and may God bless Clean Fiction.

This Week's Community Activity:

What are you thankful for?

Share a photo or a comment about what you are thankful for on Facebook, Instagram, or Goodreads. Either in the comments of today's post or tag @cleanfiction (Instagram) / @CleanFictionMagazine (Facebook). God has blessed all of us in some way this year and we as His children should shout about it! I know many of you have had it rough, but I am sure there is still a small piece of blessing growing in your life. I can't wait to hear how God has blessed you.

JSYK There will be no newsletter/blog next Thursday due to the Thanksgiving holiday. I implore you to shop small this Christmas season. (Prepare yourself for a shameless plug in 3...2...1...) Clean Fiction magazine would be a great way to do that! Why? It allows the reader in your life to enjoy a selection of books by indie authors and small presses. These are the epitome of SMALL businesses and they deserve your support. These authors and publishers work 10x as hard as big companies with millions of advertising dollars. I should know. I'm one of them. If you want books written with passion and perseverance, look no further.





Past Newsletters/Blogs: or Goodreads


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