Good and Bad
December is a time of endings and new beginnings. A time that people look forward to and some dread. Along with all of the positives that the process of creating this magazine has brought, there were a lot of negatives as well. When I was called, I knew that I would be putting out two magazines during the worst part of my year. I have seasonal affective disorder which means that in the wintertime I could wake up and cease to be able to function as normal. Usually my brain kicks into "survival mode" in mid-October/November and I don't "wake up" until March. But that is not what happened. Unseasonably warm weather and an adjustment in medications has left me "alert" for the first time in years. The stress of putting out the magazine has caused me to come down with shingles. The Lord used a freak happenstance to pay for the monetary burden of launching Clean Fiction. Give and take. Good and bad. Every part of life is like this, so why am I bothering to mention it? I will let "past me" explain by sharing the dedication from the back of the Winter Edition.
"I would like to dedicate the Winter Edition 2021 to those who have lost their lives or the lives of their family members and friends in the last two years. At this point there is no use in speaking on what has driven us apart during this difficult time. Instead, I dedicate this magazine to what has brought us together. A unified sense of loss. The realization of what is truly important. Reaching out to others with love. Holding each others pain. Lifting up families in prayer. Clasping tight to what is left behind for fear that it will lose its meaning. Your suffering meant something. Means something. I have watched beautiful things come from the darkness that we have faced together. Apart. Lovely things that I want to cherish. So with this dedication I raise my hand to you with the hope that you will reciprocate in kind. A moment to stand together with sorrow in our hearts and hope for the future on our lips."
This Week's Community Activity:
Business Cards & Book Marks
I have had business cards and bookmarks made. If you would like some to share with your family and friends, I will happily mail you some. Simply send your mailing address to . There will be no charge for this. A Christmas present from me to you.
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