Book Cosplay Contest

The number of votes for the Autumn Edition Cover Design Contest has now reached 341 votes! One of the covers is still holding the lead, but again I am keeping it a secret as to which it is (UNLESS you are a Patreon subscriber: They have been given a Sneak Peek!) Though each cover is awesome in its own way, there can be only one winner. And I am glad that it is the Clean Fiction Community that is making the decision and not me because I don't know if I would be able to choose!

Next, I have an update on the Book Cosplay Contest Submissions. We currently only have one submission for this contest. We need at least two to make it a voteable event. Please send in your photos ASAP! The winner will receive a $25 Amazon Gift Card. Send Your Name, Book Character Name, Book the Character Appears, Social Media Handle, and Email Address (for contact purposes only) to Deadline for submissions is Saturday, August 13th. For more information, visit our website and click on the Book Cosplay Contest Event on our homepage.

Lastly, I would like to again remind everyone that the Advertising Deadline for the Autumn Edition is August 13th. We have not sold as many pages as we would have hoped, but the Lord is good and has provided in other ways. Regardless, we need your support to continue giving you the high-quality magazine you have come to enjoy. For those who do not know, we pay our reviewers, buy our author's books, and support our columnists/poets. These truths may shock you to hear in a market where a blog or company would not even think of featuring your book without receiving a free book or would happily take your review writings for free, but it is the truth. If flipping the script on how society thinks we should do business appeals to you, please take a moment to support Clean Fiction Magazine. Spread the word on your social media. Become a $1 Patreon subscriber. Buy a magazine and share it with your family. We are so blessed to hear such positive feedback from all of you and because of that, we are also attaching a $5 OFF coupon for you to use. This will allow authors to run an Event Listing for their book for FREE and take the edge off of advertising your small business. Thank you again for your continued support.

May your day be bright and your reading be epic!

~ Amy Lynn McConahy, Clean Fiction Publisher

This Week's Community Activity:

Only 3 More Days to Vote!

Visit our website and click on "Vote" to vote once a day until Saturday!




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