Contest Winners

Today is the big day! The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place covers for the Winter 2022 Cover Art Contest are below! After, all 427 votes were gathered, we have a surprise winner!

First Place goes to, Cover Art 3, Time Hides No Secrets By Joan Fennell Carringer designed by RebecaCovers at Fiverr with a total of 139 votes!

Second Place goes to, Cover Art 10, Aivan: The One Truth By Kayla E. Green designed by Hannah Linder Designs with a total of 85 votes!

Third Place goes to, Cover Art 7, Emmazel by Kendra E. Ardnek designed by Kendra E. Ardnek with a total of 50 votes!

Thank you to all the talented authors and artists that participated in this contest. The next Cover Art Contest will begin submissions in January.

Cover Design Contest: Voting has begun! The Clean Fiction Community gets to choose the next cover of Clean Fiction Magazine! Let your voice be heard, once per day until October 31st. So far we have had 99 votes and Cover Design 1, Racoon in the Snow by Dodie Hutchison is in the lead with 49 of those votes.

Reminder: We only have 3 sponsorship spots left. So if you were thinking about being a contest sponsor (at only $25) don't wait too long. There are 2 spots open for the Cover Design Contest (Your ad could have already been seen by 99 people!) and one for the Christmas Bookstagram Contest. You can have your business viewed by hundreds of voters and promoted on social media for one low fee, and the money goes back into the contests for prizes and display items.

This week was a big week and God has been moving in great ways. Give these winners and contestants some love on their social media/websites.

May your day be bright and your reading be epic!

~ Amy Lynn McConahy, Clean Fiction Publisher

This Week's Community Activity:

Windows into the Multiverse Writing Contest

How to Participate

You are asked to write a 1,000 word micro-story beginning with “Through the window, I saw...” using this painting as inspiration. The only restriction on your creativity is that you keep your micro-story clean. All genres are accepted.

Submissions will open on October 1st, 2022, and end on October 31st, 2022. Please keep your submission to 1,000 words (slight overage is allowed). Send your micro-story, your name as you would like it to appear, the genre of the story, social media handle/website, and an email for contact purposes to

We will not use your micro-stories without your permission, and the winner/s will be sent pages for approval. The winner/s will appear in our December 20th, 2022 Winter Edition along with the image on this page.

Depending on the number of submissions we receive, there will be either winners in several genre categories OR an overall winner. Each winner or the overall winner will receive a $25 Amazon Gift Card and an author feature ($40 value). The winner/s will be decided by the Clean Fiction staff and excerpts may be used for promotional purposes.

We cannot wait to see what you do with this new image and are excited to read your submissions! Happy Writing! ~ Amy Lynn McConahy, Publisher






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